
Self Storage Tips

Self Storage Tips

Self Storage Tips

To ensure the safety and organization of your belongings in a self-storage facility, it's important to be mindful of several factors. Below are some tips to help you stack and store your items effectively.

  1. Opt for plastic pallets: Plastic pallets are a superior choice over traditional wooden ones due to their durability, resistance to weather and pests, and lack of splinters and broken boards. When choosing a personal storage solution, always prefer plastic pallets over wooden ones, and make sure they are recycled for environmental conservation.
  2. Place heavy boxes at the bottom: Always place heavy boxes at the bottom to avoid crushing and damaging the lighter boxes below them.
  3. Limit stacking to 8 feet: Stacking boxes higher than 8 feet can be risky, as the structure becomes unstable, and boxes may start to sag or collapse. Keep your stack below 8 feet for maximum safety.
  4. Be cautious with plastic boxes: Although plastic boxes are sturdy, it's important to know their weight-bearing capacity. Stack them accordingly to avoid any damage.
  5. Create walkways: Rather than stacking all your boxes against one or two walls, create walkways so that you can easily access all of your items.
  6. Label boxes appropriately: Ensure that all boxes are labeled with legible writing facing outwards, or color-coded for easier identification. This will save time when searching for specific items.
  7. Place frequently used items up front: If you need to access certain items frequently, keep them up front, rather than in the back of the unit, to save time and hassle.
  8. Leave corners empty: Declutter and give away any unnecessary items before storing your belongings to leave corners empty. This will allow you to move around the unit easily and make space for new items as needed.
  9. Use only 2 box sizes: To make stacking and organizing your boxes easier, limit yourself to using only 2 sizes of boxes.
  10. Don't store anything perishable: This may seem obvious, but it's worth repeating: do not store anything perishable in your self-storage unit, as it could pose a threat to you and the facility.
  11. Go vertical: Whenever possible, opt for vertical storage, such as hanging bikes or guitars on the walls or using shelves to keep your items organized.
  12. Create a map: Even with proper labeling, it can be challenging to remember where everything is located in your storage unit. Creating a map of the unit and dividing it into sections can help you locate items quickly and easily.


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